Photography & Videography
Photography, Filming & Videotaping
The Friends of ʻIolani Palace reserves the right to deny any request for photography that is judged to be inconsistent with the cultural and educational mission of the Palace.

Personal Use
Visitors are welcome to photograph the ʻIolani Palace interior, exterior and grounds for personal use; however, flash photography and video are not permitted inside the Palace.
For the safety of our visitors and collections, ʻIolani Palace prohibits the use of tripods or monopods. Monopod selfie sticks are included in this policy. This is a preventive measure to protect visitors and objects, especially during crowded conditions. We encourage museum visitors to take selfies and share their experiences—and leave the selfie sticks in their bags.
Souvenir guidebooks, postcards and videos may be purchased in the Palace Shop.
Professional Photography
Permission for professional photography such as wedding pictures and other special events on the Palace grounds should be obtained through the State Film Office by calling 808-586-2570. Permit application fees may be required.
The Coronation Pavilion, Palace steps, and other historic structures are not available for private use.
ʻIolani Palace Photography Collection
A selection of professional photographs is available in a variety of formats for researchers, publishers, organizations and the media. Images include the Palace exterior, historic rooms, portraits of Hawaiian royalty, and some artifacts.
Written permission is required to reproduce images and is restricted to one time use. Please email or call 808-522-0822 for information about pricing and fees.
Photography and Filming on the Grounds
Permission for professional filming or videotaping on the Palace grounds requires prior approval from the Hawaiʻi Film Office.
Photography and Filming in the Palace
ʻIolani Palace is one of the most historic structures photographed in the United States. However, due to the fragile nature of the Palace structure and its contents and the limitations posed by the small size of our professional staff, it is nearly impossible to grant access to film crews.
Please contact the Curatorial Department to discuss whether your project would be appropriate and align with the mission of ʻIolani Palace.