Location, Directions & Parking
ʻIolani Palace is located in downtown Honolulu, on the corner of King Street and Richards Street. The vehicle entrance to the Palace Grounds is located off Likelike Mall, on the left of King Street between the Palace and the Hawaiʻi State Library.
364 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
For other starting points and destinations, visit the Oʻahu Transit Service website.
There is limited parking on ʻIolani Palace grounds and nearby streets, so please plan ahead for your visit.
Pay station accepts credit cards, bills and coins. The current rate is $4 for two (2) hours. We recommend that you pre-pay for at least 2 hours at the parking pay station to ensure that you have adequate time to walk to and from your car and for your tour.
Be aware that street parking may be limited to certain lengths of time and prohibited during morning and afternoon rush hours. Please read posted signs carefully and take note of TOW AWAY information.
As an alternative, there is a private parking garage at Aliʻi Place (1099 Alakea Street). The current rate is $3 for two (2) hours; each additional 30 minutes is $1.50. Entrance to the Aliʻi Place parking garage is on the right side of Alakea Street between King Street and Hotel Street. Alakea is a one-way Mauka (mountain) bound street.