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Terms & Conditions
- Rental prices are subject to change.
- An event is not officially confirmed until 1) the rental fee is paid/received and 2) the application is approved by the Executive Director. (Please do not print programs or invitations until the approval has been granted.)
- Alcoholic beverages are allowed with the proper approval and permitting.
- All parking areas on the Iolani Palace Grounds are available for your guests upon request based on applicable fees.
- Effective July 1, 2015 “Smoking, Use of Electronic Smoking Devices, or Use of Tobacco or Betel Nut Products (is)Prohibited by Law” in all state parks including Iolani Palace grounds.
Policy on use: The grounds of Iolani Palace are a wahi pana (a sacred place) for the Hawaiian people. The historic site was home of the Mo'i (the royal Hawaiian sovereign) from 1845 to 1893. It contains an important burial ground, an architectural treasure, and a repository of priceless cultural artifacts. The State of Hawaii holds the grounds in trust as part of the ceded land inventory. Through a lease agreement with the State, the kuleana (responsibility) for the site and its structures is assigned to the Friends of Iolani Palace (The Friends). The Friends is a private non-profit native Hawaiian organization established in 1966 for the sole purpose of perpetuating the legacy of Iolani Palace. The buildings leased to The Friends by the State of Hawaii are available for use by the public, provided that event fees are directed to Palace operations. The surrounding grounds are administered by State Parks, a division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR). The Friends of 'Iolani Palace recognizes the challenge inherent in balancing its commitment to protect and preserve Iolani Palace with the legitimate need for public access. The event rental policies set forth by the Friends seek to allow public access while holding to the highest standards of curatorial excellence and preserving the site's distinctive sense of place. The Friends reserves the right to deny requests for functions that are not in keeping with its purpose.
Effective July 1, 2015 “Smoking, Use of Electronic Smoking Devices, or Use of Tobacco or Betel Nut Products (is)Prohibited by Law” in all state parks including Iolani Palace grounds.
More Information
Contact Special Events at or 808-330-4537.