Aloha Kalikimaka!
As we bid a hui hou to 2021, I want to mahalo you for your support of The Friends of Iolani Palace. These past two years have been trying for all of us, but because of your support we have been able to continue with our mission to restore and protect Iolani Palace and share her story with Hawaii and the world.
We have persevered and approach 2022 with enthusiasm and hope! 2022 will mark the 140th anniversary of the opening of Iolani Palace and we plan to celebrate throughout the year. As we prepare to celebrate, it is important we continue our preservation and restoration work, which includes:
- Replacing the damaged historic etched glass door panes that were vandalized in 2017. While we have secured donations, an additional $90,000 is still needed to begin and complete the project.
- Maintaining the HVAC system, which runs 24/7, to control the temperature and humidity inside the Palace to protect the thousands of cultural objects housed there. This vital system costs $20,000 a month to operate at optimum performance.
Your kokua helps make it all possible and we ask you to please consider donating to The Friends of Iolani Palace.
As the honored stewards of this wahi pana, we look forward to sharing more of her stories with you and your families while we create memories together.
Mahalo a nui loa,
Paula Akana
Executive Director

Be a Part of the Malama Match
Your donations can go farther! Because of the generosity of Hawaiian Electric Industries and Company, DAWSON, and some loyal supporters, the first $31,000 in donations will be matched!
Other High Priority Items
Preserve rare and original feather work pieces.
Our impressive feather work collection, which includes pieces once worn by alii and used in royal ceremonies, needs regular care by a feather work expert trained in conservation and preservation and custom storage designed to properly house the unique items.
Restoration of silverware collection.
Silverware that graces the table in the Dining Room once gleamed during mealtimes. Skilled conservations need must be brought in to restore the shimmer and sparkle.
Restoration and preservation of original artwork.
While there are many portraits hanging throughout the Palace, there are other monarchy-era paintings that require extensive restoration work before being put on display.
Types of Gifts
Philanthropic support of caring individuals through bequests, trusts, and other planned giving has been important for the support of Iolani Palace.
Donors have the options to give the following types of donations:
Unrestricted Gifts
Unrestricted gifts provide critical support for daily operation and maintenance of the royal residence that is so vital to our work in historic preservation, education, and conservation.
Restricted Gifts
Donors with a particular interest in the Palace are encouraged to make a targeted gift. Donations can be specified toward a range of options, including the Palace's acquisitions fund, educational projects, new Gallery exhibits, and more.
Tributes/Memorial Gifts
Honor that special person with a tribute or memorial gift in recognition of their special love of Hawaiian history or culture. Your contribution will be acknowledged on Iolani Palace donor lists and to the honoree or their family.
Increase the Gift with an Employer's Match
Check with your Human Resources department to find out if your employer has a matching gift policy. If they do, they will usually provide you with a Matching Gift Form or other form to submit with your donation to Iolani Palace.
Gifts of Appreciated Property or Stock and Planned Giving
Giving appreciated assets may enable you to avoid paying capital gains taxes while simultaneously getting a tax deduction and helping Iolani Palace.
Please contact the Palace Director of Development for additional information.